K-state Sports is proud to announce that starting this year, the university owned power boat will be upgraded with a Seastar steering hydraulic steering system.
The university boat is used by the power boat club, water ski club, and fishing club. With the boat getting so much use, the old steering system simply wasn’t up to the task. The new Seastar steering system will allow all clubs to have better handling and safety while out on the water.
“The new system was secured using 100% donations. No university money was spent on this investment. It’s important that we give our students the best equipment, in particular when it comes to safety. The new Seastar hydraulic steering system that we are installing will give the drivers of the boat much better control and precision when driving. As you can imagine, when doing high speed marine sports, such as water skiing, it is crucial that the driver maintains precise control of the craft”, said Steve Rizzo, head of the Aquatic Sports clubs.
Coach Rizzo also added that they hope to have the new steering system installed on the boat by mid-April. Kennesaw Marine & Powersports will be doing the installation on the boat.
K-state would like to thank all students and clubs who worked hard to secure donations in order to fund this marine upgrade. By all estimates as long as the system is properly maintained, such as changing the hydraulic fluid as needed, the system should provide at least 10 years of great performance.
About Seastar Steering
Seastar steering systems take high-speed power boats to the next level. Rather than utilizing a manual steering interlink, the Seastar solutions implements hydraulics in order to make boat steering easier and more precise. This gives the captain more control, thus allowing them to go faster without sacrificing safety of the crew.